
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Celebrating the Tiniest Life

by Sister Denise LaRock, D.C.

Sister Mary Louise Zollars, D.C., one of the Sisters
who attended the burial service.
Often what makes a Catholic hospital Catholic is below the surface of the hustle and bustle of what is going on in patient rooms. One such event recently was an infant burial.

I live with some of our Sisters at St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore. We received word of an upcoming infant burial graveside prayer service. I was very disappointed I would be out of town that day. However, several of our Sisters were able to attend the prayer service with the families whose babies died before or at birth. What a beautiful occasion for prayer and healing for those families. It puts into action the belief that life indeed has dignity and value before birth.

One Sister wrote: "The infant burial service is a tender moment when our precious children are laid to rest. Their mothers and fathers, grandparents and family friends all join together to celebrate the child's tiny life and commit them to the earth. It is a sad and touching ceremony when all those present recognize the holiness of their children. Their parent will one day be united to them in heaven where they live with Jesus forever. The Lord sees our grief and accepts our prayers. He blesses these children as he blessed the little ones who came to him in Jerusalem."

Take a moment to pray for the families who recently lost their tiny infants.

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