
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Feast of Corpus Christi

As you know this past Sunday was the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. I thought it odd that we need a feast day to celebrate something we celebrate everytime we attend the Eucharist. But isn't that really the point--that we take for granted what we encounter often?

Having dinner is an important part of my day and nourishes me to be healthy and to have energy. Yet, it becomes an ordinary part of my routine without much thought unless it is my turn to cook and I am trying to decide what to make. However, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter dinners are special times of celebration. Those meals are enriched by the occasion. I don't get too excited about regular dinners unless of course we are having mac and cheese or something chocolate for dessert.

What a blessing it is that the Church has this feast in order to wake us up out of our routine and remind us how blessed we are to be nourished by the Eucharist. The other day I read a prayer and it spoke of "becoming what we receive". I pray that through the great blessing of daily Eucharist that I may become more Christ-like and that I better share what I have received.

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