"This is what Yahweh asks of you, to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Sr. Agnes Teresa celebrated 75 years as a Daughter of Charity. Yes, 75 years of vocation--not life. She is 94 years old. This photo has not been doctored! This photo was taken when she was telling all her invited guests that they should go see the video down in the shrine museum of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and be inspired.
Sr. Agnes Teresa is lovingly call Sr. A. T. As I listened at Mass to Fr. Steve describe her past ministries--I was AMAZED! Let me just share a little of what I heard:
Sr. Agnes Teresa's degrees prepared her well "...As administrator of Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, Sisters Hospital in Waterville, Maine, St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester and previous to those posts Sister Agnes Teresa was also administrator of Jenkins Memorial, assistant administrator in five other hospitals, director of nursing in several hospitals: published works on "pain management" and hospice care; taught in primary schools for five years as a young Sister; was appointed business manager at St. Vincent's Hospital in Bridgeport; pastoral minister in Providence Hospital and worked with the volunteer services in the same hospital and also found time to be proficient in music, art, sewing and some languages."
Sr. AT is such a humble person that I had no idea she served as an administrator in healthcare for so many years. I asked around afterwards and heard other Sisters speak of Sr. AT's great leadership and intelligence. Yet, she blends in with the other Sisters, not needing to stand out as any better than anyone else. What a great example of humility! She used her great gifts for the good of others and for the glory of God without ever holding it over others.
I pray that on reflecting on her life that I can follow Christ more closely and humbly use my gifts for God's glory without needing anything in return. May you also be inspired!
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