We give thanks when a prayer is answered, but do we still show up to prayer when God's response to our request isn't what we expected? We pray for peace, a peace that unites our hearts and minds with Christ. So how do we find that peace? How do we unite ourselves with Christ? Well, I say we need to take a pilgrimage to the heart of God.
Prayer is a pilgrimage of the heart. It is a journey that continues, deepens, and develops throughout our entire lives. The depths of God's love, God's heart, is described as a bottomless well or the depths of the ocean--a vast destination that we don't actually reach on this side of eternity, but are constantly plunging more deeply into this relationship of love. Our pilgrimage of the heart of Jesus is a journey of becoming our truest selves, living into our identity as God's beloved. The more we come to know God, the more we come to know ourselves.
I heard it said once that life is a journey from God, back to God. Our pilgrimage to the heart of God is life--how we live and how we love. As we make this pilgrimage to the heart of Jesus, we find our own.
My favorite definition of prayer is one that a spiritual director shared with me a while back. I found it helpful in entering into meditation and contemplative/centering prayer. It is: "Prayer is resting your head on God's heart and letting God love you." Prayer is the meeting of hearts.
Rest your head. Be consumed by love. For when the two hears meet, they are filled with the same thoughts and desires. Keep walking that pilgrimage of the heart one day at a time, one step at a time; journeying more deeply into the heart of God.
Written by Sister Kara Davis, D.C.
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