
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Finding Renewal in Prayer

by Sister Julie Kubasak, D.C.

Sister Julie Kubasak, D.C., shares at the Daughters of Charity pre-postulants' retreat
in Los Altos Hills this March. 
"A highlight of their day is the time of personal prayer: listening to the Lord, praise and thanksgiving, contemplation, seeking to know his will, and presenting to him the life and needs of those who are poor." –Constitutions of the Daughters of Charity, #21
It's hard to believe it has been three months since I was in California for a retreat with our Vocation Directors and our pre-postulants, Michelle, Cynthia, Martha and Kara, to focus on praying as a Daughter of Charity. Since then, I have been praying daily for them and for all of you in discernment with the Daughters of Charity.

The quote above from our Constitutions is a great one, isn't it? Often, I'm asked this question: "How do I make it as a Daughter of Charity?" My answer is simple: Daily prayer will be your sustaining force. Daily prayer is daily renewal.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ends. God's kindness is new every morning." –Lamentations 3:2, 23
I think daily prayer is what inspires our day–keeps us going, gets us back on track when we're a bit off. Oh, sure, there are times in life when we may be feeling like we are just "putting time in" rather than praying. And that is our big mistake! Prayer is not about feeling. Prayer is about being and a Being.

Even if during the day I forget to think of what I prayed about that morning, when I do bring it to mind it's always a great moment. During the Examen, I often see a connection to an insight from my morning prayer that really applied to my whole day. The Examen is taking time to reflect on your day before the Lord, and remembering that God was there...that you noticed. God is always there!

So how has your prayer life been going? Have you taken time every day? It's O.K. if you only do a short prayer time daily, and build it up. The important thing is to do it. Remember: God is just waiting for you. He's already there.

Which prayer style appeals to you, "works" for you? Whatever way seems right is the right way. Don't worry about trying to use a prayer style you think you should be using. Additionally, our prayer style changes over time. Just be open, try your best and God will do his part.

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