
Monday, May 31, 2010

My Country, 'tis of Thee

"My country,' tis of thee..." How often do we hear those words sung? This memorial day take a few extra minutes to sing and pray these words. Pray for the many people who have sacrificed their lives so America may come one step closer to being the country we are "called" to be. Then pray that you and I may have the courage to be God's instrument in bringing our country, our world one step closer to what we are "called" to be.

My country,' tis of thee,

sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;

Liberty: Lord, help me to understand what this word means, Guide my thoughts words and actions that they may be liberating in the true sense of the word.

land where my fathers died,

land of the pilgrims' pride,

from every mountainside let freedom ring!

The Ring of Freedom: True freedom: What would that sound like echoing through our land? What would that feel like? What can I do help create or enhance the notes of freedom around me?

My native country, thee,

land of the noble free, thy name I love;

Land of the noble free: Who are the people I walked by yesterday? Who did I talk to? Are they free? Are they fearful of deportation, of being abused, of being exploited? Are they victims of human trafficking? Do they have access to food, healthcare, education? Are they free?

I love thy rocks and rills,

thy woods and templed hills;

my heart with rapture thrills, like that above.

I love thy rocks: Stop, look and listen: Do you see the beauty of creation unfold around you? The Sunset, the flower, the child's laughs, the graduates pride, the newly weds love, the sisters reaching out in love, the smile of someone enjoying the day. Wow what a symphony we are gifted with each day. Cease the moment.

Let music swell the breeze,

and ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song;

let mortal tongues awake;

let all that breathe partake;

let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.

Awake! Partake! Are my eyes open to see the glories of this blessed land, these blessed people around me? Let in the sweetness of the morning air. Let it stir your soul to praise.

Our fathers' God, to thee,

author of liberty, to thee we sing;

Author of Liberty; God willed that we and all those around us be truly free. Allow him to share this gift with us. Be his instrument in sharing it with others.

long may our land be bright

with freedom's holy light;

protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

Protect: For centuries American's have turned to God to lead and protect us. For centuries Americans have given their lives to be God's instruments in pursuing freedom. Continue to pray that the author of Liberty will help us to know what freedom truly is and how to pursue it according to his will.

Reflection by Sr. Theresa Sullivan, DC

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